Get Luxury Range Paint At the Lowest Cost By Shopping Directly From A Paint Factory.

April 28, 2024
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Paint Outlet has revealed the secrets of how to get luxury-grade paint directly from manufacturers at 50% less than major retail brands. The company prides itself on being one of the only companies to cut mass paint waste and CO2 emissions. has revealed that the global pricing of paint chemicals remains the same for all manufacturers when manufacturing paint. This means large manufacturers can produce the same paint quality at the same prices. This is when industry-leading paint manufacturers with large supply chains are incentivized to create cheaper paint in bigger batches of lower-quality ingredients. This practice directly benefits big-name manufacturers with large built supply chains and fragments the industry with low quality paint as people need to buy more of the same low quality paint and repaint more often. this is a false paint economy

With the market flooded with cheap paints making false promises, consumers, especially new paint buyers, are struggling to choose durable and reliable paint products. put simply, When people buy paint at low prices or from companies giving false promises, useless or low-quality chemicals, or special features, these companies make a significant profit (1). This incentivizes major manufacturers to offer low-cost paint.for manufacturer to offer and manufacture a low cost paint, they need to first account for packaging costs, shipping costs, VAT, and then leaving room for them to profit and grow their business models. This leads manufacturers to use lower quality ingredients which allows them to sell a paint at such low costs for consumers with false promises when is reality that paint won't last long;  With the growing market fragmentation, paint brands are now selling paint with special features and then charging a premium price which can either resist homeowners from using top-quality paint in the market or force them to spend the premium price (2).

With such large paint demand and supply chains already built by big brands, this allows big market leaders to have complete control of the paint market and sell big batches of paint onto their party resellers' shelves regardless of the paint quality. Which in turn fragments the paint industry and creates a false paint economy. While giant market leaders profit from this cycle of producing and selling  paint without any guarantees the paint will be sold or used, the impact of this is severe on our world. In fact, every year, 415 million liters of UNUSED paint is gone to waste in the UK and USA alone, and only 2% is recycled, which is equivalent to 1,000,000 tonnes of emissions or 166-sized Olympic swimming pools (3, 4). This is simply because manufacturers are overproducing paint that doesn't get used and manufacture cheap paints to profit, just for the paint to go to waste and pollute our world. breaks this vicious cycle completely by simply manufacturing the products ourselves, we can have utmost quality control, rigorous water-saving technologies, on-demand manufacturing ensuring paint is made only when it's needed in the world, and shipping fresh on-order to maximise customer satisfaction.

By allowing the customer to deal directly with the supplier, are able to cut huge middlemen costs and offer the savings directly to paint buyers  saving them up to 50% of costs compared to top brands, encouraging more consumers to save money and help break the false paint economy. Using only the highest quality ingredients, is the first company to provide an all in one solution for the paint marketo from price to quality to full product journeys environmental impact which innovates the paint industry.  Encouraging using decorating products and paint that lasts longer and helps consumers paint less, saving money and the world.


One of the key spokesmen for the company was quoted as saying, The more paint produced in the world means more carbon dioxide. We care about our environment and save our customers time and money, whereas large manufacturers prefer to utilise inadequate, less durable, and thinner ingredients, which gives your product a shorter life span. This causes more frequent rework and demand for goods while harming our world simultaneously due to repaints.”


The company is aware of the right set of tools and technology to use, and they have the best staff who take due care of all their work. For a long time, major paint manufacturers have been pushing their subpart paints to have low-quality ingredients as high-quality products, often duping buyers of their hard-earned money. This means that most buyers are forced to re-buy the paints again and again to repaint their project. Paint Outlet is committed to putting an end to this vicious cycle by offering luxury range paint at the lowest possible cost, as they do not believe in adding to the waste merely to increase the price of the pint.


Paint Outlet now offers an instant 10% off every consumer's first purchase using  and whopping  £100 discount running for InsOpaint Ultra energy saving paint thats helping homes and businesses amid the energy crisis.

The customers can use the code on sign up at the checkout to get their 10% discount. (subscribe to their newsletter to enjoy another 10% off) 


For more information, please visit


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